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Project in progress
Project developed within the Matière Mobile company

The title Eaedm comes from Latin, the feminine plural form of idem, meaning "the same". Interpreted here as: The same gestures as repetitive pattern, the similarity of the performers, the same frame women are put in, the same battle they have to fight.


Eaedem is a contemporary dance duet based on a choreographic phrase of 14 movements. This strict base, this alphabet, will gradually open up, transform the space around it, change state, go from confrontation to joy, from combat to disco, from ground to air, with vigor and tenacity. The mutation of the vocabulary transports the spectator from one zone of interpretation to another, increasingly surprising. This concept enables me to play on translations of meaning and interpretation of the choreographic material, and thus to reveal the way we read the female body as a cultural construction. 

At the origin of the choreographic concept of this duet a generative series of movement is the duet made by Marie Gourdain for the piece The Law of Ice ( Gesetz des Eises ). 


Credits :

Choreography: Marie Gourdain

Performers: Alice Lambert and Fanny Pouillot

Costume design : Marie Gourdain
Out side eye:
Jean-Christophe Paré

Sound design: Thibault Cohade

Production: Matière Mobile ; bureau d'accompagnement STP

Parteners : Schloss Bröllin, La Maison de la danse, Lyon

With the financial support of MV-Tantz-an and the Spedidam 

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